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Wednesday, September 4, 2024

A Killer Paradox - Netflix Series

A Killer Paradox | Official Trailer | Netflix
Netflix K-Content

Convenience store clerk gets into altercations with people. Pushed beyond his limit he retaliates and kills them only to find out that the people he killed were reprehensible killers themselves. Now he is stumbling through life with all these murders on his mind. Needless to say, he is a little confused. Local cop tasked with solving the multitude of murders that have suddenly started showing up on his beat kind of / sort of suspects our guy on account of him always being in the area. Cop also has a long term project of looking for the ex-cop who put his father in a coma. 

Turns out both our clerk and the ex-cop have connections to a computer nerd who researches suspected dirt-bags. When he confirms his findings, he directs his killers to their targets. Ex-cop goes off the rails and just starts killing random people. Perhaps because they are dirty dirt-bags, perhaps because they annoyed him, perhaps because they looked at him funny. Anyway, he kills the granddaughter of some corporate honcho and then the heat is on and things get very messy in a John Wick kind of way. Will our clerk and the nerd escape the manhunt? We'll find out tonight. Or maybe not, if there are plans for season two.

P. S. Couple of items. One is when a prisoner is being transported to jail. He is inadequately restrained and attacks the guards who are with him in the van and causes the van to crash. And because he is the evil villain, he is in the only one who manages to get out of the wreck on his own. This same thing happened in season 2 of Dark Winds. No wonder cops are often getting in trouble for the way they treat prisoners. Can't say as I blame them.

The other is something that seems to happen fairly often in TV shows. Some guy, full of himself, makes some kind of accusation against the hero, the hero is nonplussed, and then after a second or two, the guy laughs and says I'm just foolin' with you or some such. I find this kind of behavior juvenile and irritating. However, the guy is often right, so it's doubly disconcerting. Our hero was within a hair's breadth of getting found out by some moron. Bah, double bah and humbug.

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