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Saturday, September 21, 2024

Black Sails - Netflix Series

Black Sails First Trailer

We started watching this series the other night. It looks promising. We've got some familiar names like Silver and Flint, convincing looking sailing ships (they might even be real), bloody piratical violence, horny women, and shabby looking pirate towns. Flint is obsessed with a Spanish treasure galleon that should be enroute to Spain, but where is it? Supposedly there is a schedule with a list of dates and locations, but how accurate / useful could such a schedule be? I mean, they are sailing ships, they are totally at the mercy of wind and weather. It isn't unusual to be becalmed for days or even weeks in the doldrums. But hey, somebody wrote the schedule down and somebody hid it and somebody else found it and Flint would move heaven and earth to find it if that would help. It won't. I expect it will fall into his lap any - minute - now.

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