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Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Genius Girl Repairs Generator

Genius girl repaired 150kg generator burned out a lot of parts can't be used took 3 days to rep
林果儿Lin Guoer

Seeing her pick up the generator and carry it on her back, I'm thinking something is off. Generators and electric motors are mostly steel and copper and are very heavy for their size. And then she weighs herself and the generator.

Weight of girl + generator136.4kilograms
minusWeight of girl44.6kilograms
times2.2pounds per kilogram

200 pounds! She must be one tough cookie. Or did something get lost in translation? So I go looking for 20 kw generators. Everybody and their mother has generators for sale, but most of them are attached to an engine. Pulley driven 20 kilowatt generators are kind of a specialty item. This is the only one I found that did not include an engine, but did include believable specs:
IMD PTO 22/2 S AVR - 22kW Tractor-Driven PTO Generator w/ AVR (540 RPM)

It weighs 170 pounds and costs $4,300. The case for our girl's generator is much larger than needed for the size of the windings, and it is much older, so that might account for the difference in weight.

Watching her attack the stator windings with a chisel was impressive.

I thought I posted another of her videos, but I cannot find it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That generator weighs twice what she does plus the way she's packing it is extremely awkward. But when it came to fixing... uh... make that re manufacturing it, she knows her stuff.