Wondering what Syaffolee was up to, I started poking around on her website and discovered she has a stamp page. What a cool idea!
I have a book case full of 3-ring binders that I never, well hardly ever, look at anymore. I seldom print anything. Occasionally I will print a Google map, or maybe a receipt from an on line purchase, but that's about it. I have accumulated 400+ "documents" on Google documents in the last three and a half years (I say "documents", because some of them are no more than a couple of lines).
Putting images of stamps online is a logical extension of this. I imagine a scanner would be better than a camera for imaging them. (Imaging is now a verb?) So another project to work on: taking the big envelope of stamps we have, scanning them all and putting them up on the web.
This is kind of weird. Part of dealing with stamps is handling them, examining the exquisite detail with which they are printed. But you do enough of that (picking them up (they don't like to be picked up, you have to have the right amount of moisture on your finger tips), sticking on the little cellophane hinges, sticking them in giant binders, one after another until you have book that weighs twenty pounds, hauling it to the bookcase and shelving it, not to be looked at until next year) and you begin to see the appeal of a digital stamp collection.
Update October 2016 replace missing picture.
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