We watched the entire second season of this series over two days. That was entirely too much. We need to start restricting our TV watching.
The plot is a little complicated. I'm not sure I've got it all straight, but the good guys figure out who the bad guys are and the bad guys get their just desserts, so it's all good. There is a serial killer at work killing half a dozen people over a short period of time. The lead detective, a youngish woman with a child and wild, wild hair, figures out the connection between these murders and puts them on the track of the culprit. But there is something about one murder that doesn't add up, and she digs around until she finally figures out who done it, and it's someone that no one suspected. Turns out he's been at it for years and killed a bunch of people, many more than our recent revenge based murderer killed.
There are also a couple of killings that happen on the spur of the moment, both in response to being threatened. You just don't know what's going on in some people's heads.
There were a couple of interesting bits. One is the proposed Helsinki-Tallinn tunnel. It is a big issue with mayor's new political party. It also seems that some people in real life are serious about it.
Ferries play a role as does cold water.
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1991 BMW 850i |
On Netflix, in Finnish with subtitles in English.
Spoilers follow. The lead detective, Sofia Karppi, has an adult step daughter, Henna Honkasuo. Henna finds a stash of Subutex that was hidden in the snowy woods (where have we seen that before?). Never mind that the guy who buried it there has been murdered by our revenge motivated serial killer, somebody figures out that she has the drugs and wants them back. Probably because she told her new boyfriend, who was trying to sell them wholesale and got killed for his trouble. The bad guys want these drugs, but when she finds that her stash, which was hidden under a railroad bridge, has gotten ripped off, they offer to let her work off her 'debt' by smuggling several kilos of drugs across the border from Tallinn. She and her handler take the ferry to Tallinn, get a taxi to the middle of nowhere, dig up a million dollars worth of contraband from underneath some rubbish in a derelict house. Now another couple of guys drop off a car for them and they head back to Helsinki on the ferry. Henna overhears a phone conversation with her handler that convinces her that they are going to drop her in the shit. This leads to a heated discussion and her handler pulls a gun on her. She relents, he puts his gun away, she pulls out her dad's big switchblade and stabs him in the gut half a dozen times. He collapses and dies on the deck. The big, open, windswept, totally unoccupied upper deck. She drags his lifeless body to the rail and dumps him overboard along with his gun and her knife.
The mayor kills her number two man when he threatens her so she pushes him off the end of dock. Bad place to be standing if you are going threaten somebody, dummkopf. He flunders in the ice cold water for a few seconds, but makes no attempt to save himself. Doesn't he know how to swim? If that's the case what the heck is he even doing on the dock? Double dummkopf. He was a political hack, so he got what's coming to him. Is that the message here? It was just kind of weird and unexpected. But we already know the mayor is cold blooded from a previous encounter with some skateboarders who were harrassing her blind daughter who is trying to ride to a board.
I wrote this a couple of weeks ago at least, but I didn't post it. Possibly because I had more to say, but now I don't remember what that was, so here we go, even if it isn't finished.
Why does the BMW have blacked out badges and no other cars do?
I don't know, but I've seen same thing in other series, mostly from Korea and Turkey I think. I suspect the producers asked BMW (or Mercedes) to provide them with cars (product placement you know) and got turned down, so the producers said 'screw you' and blacked out the logos.
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