Intel's Ronler Acres Plant

Silicon Forest
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Friday, November 4, 2022

Random Thoughts

What makes a woman beautiful? A long time ago I read something about how a beautiful woman is simply the average of all women. Now I'm wondering if our idea of a beauty is something we develop from all the women we see, or is it somehow genetic and we have an inborn idea of what a beautiful woman looks like.

Manners, staying cool and parties. Manners are what enable us to conduct business with people, people we wouldn't like if we knew them any better. Good manners generally requires staying cool. Parties are usually with people you know and like so you don't have to be so reserved, you can let your freak flag fly, which is something you can't do in polite company.

Normal range of hearing for humans is from 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz. My hearing only goes up to about 8,000 Hz. I wonder if this has any bearing on the kinds of music I like. Just took a look and found this:

10-20kHz is only one octave, and it's right at the edge of a human's ability to hear. In this range, the only thing in music is upper level harmonics in cymbals. There was a test done where they rolled off everything above 10kHz and people compared it to full frequency response samples. Although people could hear a difference in direct comparison, they had no preference between them when it came to sound quality.

Sound quality exists in the middle of the hearing range, not the fringes. - bigshot

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