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Wednesday, November 15, 2023


Making Sauerkraut
IAman reports:

I would like to try to make sauerkraut at home. Hence I need a crock.  I've been reading Captain Cooks biography and it impressed me on the importance of Kraut on a extended sea voyage (over 30 days the human body loses the anti-scorbutic levels of vitamin C) .  Through fermentation, it seems more vitamin C is produced than naturally occurs in green cabbage. (correct me if I am wrong)  Though land-locked  I still like kraut with sausage and apples,  also on sandwiches.   Yes I can buy kraut at Walmart for 9 cents a ounce, $1.44 lb, which is what cabbage costs, but why do that when I can chop, ferment and watch it bubble for a week?  I have a plastic container,  but would rather use a non-reactive stoneware,  but buying one from Ace hardware at $65 for an experiment goes against my frugal instincts.

From Wikipedia:

It is a high source of vitamins C and K; the fermentation process increases the bioavailability of nutrients rendering sauerkraut even more nutritious than the original cabbage.


Anonymous said...

More important are all the wonderful organisms for your G.I. track that are performing the fermentation.

KurtP said...

See what they have on FB marketplace.
Sometimes they're some surprisingly good deals.

xoxoxoBruce said...

More fun in clear glass where you can watch the bubbles making their way up through the cabbage like minnows in an aquarium.
Depending on how big you need they're not that expensive. Amazon has a pair of 1 gallon Mason jars for under $30.

Anonymous said...

Please post a photo of the finished product.