Intel's Ronler Acres Plant

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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Me Pocket Knife

Because Tam said to. It's a Victorinox Tinker and I think it's like the 5th or 6th one I've had. One ended up at the bottom of Lake Travis when I went swimming, another one got confiscated by the TSA in Columbus, Ohio. One got exchanged for a different make and model of Swiss Army Knife during the Rose Festival when I went on board one of the Navy ships. This one has got the transparent plastic grips from when clear everything was the rage, which was when? A couple of years ago? They used to be just regular plastic, not this transparent stuff. Pretty tough stuff in any case.

In any case I've been carrying one for a long a time. 2 blades, 3 different screwdriver blades, bottle opener, can opener, stabby thing, toothpick and tweezers. I sharpen it once in a blue moon and abuse it regularly. I don't even know what kind of gunk is on the blade right now. It's stainless and loses it's edge pretty quick, but I use it on all kinds of things you aren't supposed to use knives on, like cutting metal. I've never used the little lanyard ring, and it gets in the way sometimes, but it's too much trouble to grind off the eyelet. There's no real point in taking off the key ring if you aren't going to grind off the eyelet, so it's still there. I'll take it off someday, if I don't lose the knife first.

1 comment:

Ole Phat Stu said...
