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Sunday, June 2, 2024

Trump versus the American Aristocracy

Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump

The aristocrats who martyred Trump by Martin Gurri paints a pretty good picture of the current political situation in the USA. I like this line:

“He [Trump] has been transformed into a living symbol of the progressive elites’ abuse of power and contempt for the principle of equality.”

All large organizations suffer from a certain amount of corruption and incompetence. You have to expect it, after all the government is made of people, and in any large group of people there are going to be some who are rotters. That's just the way it is. We can tolerate a certain amount of corruption / incompetence. But our current government has crossed the line and someone needs to take it in hand and root out some of this rot, dial it down to a level we can live with. Biden isn't going to, he is corruption and incompetence personified. Donald may be our only hope.

Gurri has appeared here a couple of times before.

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