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Wednesday, September 25, 2024

More Computers

ASUS 27” 1080P Video Conference Monitor

Bought a cheap computer off of E-Bay ($60) and a used monitor off of Amazon ($70). The monitor supposedly had some blemishes but I did not find any. I intend to load Linux on the computer but right now it has Windows 10 and it works so I'm using it.

Dell Optiplex 790 USFF Quad Core i5 Windows 10

The first problem I have is that every time I adjust the volume it beeps at me. Because Windows has settings for everything I thought surely there is a way to disable this annoying beeping, and there may be, but in all of my searching I have not found it. Oh, there are dedicated followers of fashion who have solutions, but disabling all system sounds or downloading code is not something I want to do to solve this stupid problem. The one workaround I found that seems to work is to use the scroll wheel on the mouse. That will change the volume and it won't beep. Death to Windows.

The next problem I ran into is I open Files and I see some files I want to delete, but I can't. WTF? I can't because this is Quick Access which is somehow special. Effing Windows.

Third problem, and this one is not just a Windows problem, is I open an image and I see that I don't want or need it, so I want to delete it, but I can't. I have to close the image, go back to Files, locate the problem child and now I can delete it. Locating the file is not a problem if there are only a few files in the directory, but if you have zillions of images, and you've been stepping through them for a while, locating the problem child can be annoying. 

I have this problem with Google Drive as well. Over there I deal with this by renaming the file to Delete Me. Now I don't have to worry about where it is stored. If it shows up in the current list of files, great, but if it is buried somewhere else, it's still okay. If it ever shows up in a directory listing I can just delete it without bothering to look at it. Could be a problem if someone else had access to my computer, but no one in my family has shown any interest in what's on my computer, so I'm not too worried. Of course, you always need to be on the lookout for North Korean agents. They are constantly breaking into my house in the middle of the night and moving my shit around. Dad burn commies.

This morning I'm sitting at my computer playing silly computer games and I hear this noise. It sounds like someone running a vacuum cleaner upstairs or maybe a leaf blower outside or a fan or something. Finish my game and look around trying to identify the sound and I realize it's coming from my new computer - the cooling fan is running to beat the band. What the heck is going on? What program is running that using so much processing power that it requires maximum cooling? All I have running is the Microsoft Edge browser with four tabs open, one for each of my silly games. What is going on? Well, let's close the browser and see what happens. The fan and the noise stop. Weird, man.

1 comment:

KurtP said...

Windows has a setting to turn it off.
Start (or whatever they call it on Win10)

and then (I think) SOUND and you can turn everything off from there.