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Wednesday, October 2, 2013

New British Steam Locomotive

Absolutely Chuffed~Tornado 60163 Part 1.

Absolutely Chuffed~Tornado 60163 Part 2.

At nearly 30 minutes, this video is a bit longer than your usual YouTube fare, but it is so full of crazy you might enjoy watching the whole thing. The funny part is that all the people in this video don't sound crazy, they sound like normal, well adjusted individuals, perfectly capable of making rational decisions. But don't let that fool you. Everyone of them is as mad as a hatter. These guys decided they wanted to restore a particular kind of old steam locomotive, but there weren't any anymore. They had all been scrapped, so they decided to build a brand new one, from scratch. They chief instigator mentions that 175,000 man hours of work went into building this thing, which is like 80 man-years. It took them almost 20 years from concept to finish and I'm guess-timating twenty million dollars. Just absolutely nuts. Glorious, but nuts. Via Scott.

Update September 2016 replaced missing video.
Update December 2016 replaced missing all-in-one video with the two part replacement.

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