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Sunday, May 1, 2022

Disinformation Governance Board

Nina Jankowicz, Executive Director of Disinformation Governance Board

I don't know if this poster is serious or a parody. It's scary either way. There really is a Disinformation Governance Board, it was created last week, and Nina was chosen to head it.

Just what we need, another government bureau spewing more bullshit. That should help clear things up.

1 comment:

Matthew said...

.gov is to “disinformation” as Exxon/Mobil is to petroleum products. It’s all they do, and they do more of it than anyone else.

About the only things we can be absolutely certain of here is that whatever this is, there will be no governance board, it has nothing to do with Homeland Security, Mayorkas will not be directing it and Nina Jankowicz will be paid 6 figures for a no-show position that will have very little say in where all the “grants” go.

If we allow this nonsense to exist, this new agency will fester into the usual money pit that most .gov solutions to non-problems do. There will be a big staff with big salaries, health and retirement plans so they will need a big office space with a parking area and a lovely entrance, a lobby, phone and IT systems, furnishings, utilities, security, an armory etc. Whatever remains of their initial set-up budget will be pissed away on a nice holiday gathering to celebrate their successful squandering of yet another truck load of taxpayer provided dollars while getting zero accomplished save the trampling of the First Amendment. Then it will just go downhill from there.