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Friday, October 20, 2023

From Russia With Love

From Russia With Love (1963) Official Trailer - Sean Connery James Bond ...
Rotten Tomatoes Classic Trailers

A fine movie with plenty of action, a plausible plot and plenty of pretty girls. Highlights:

Armalite AR-7 Survival Rifle

Armalite AR-7 Survival Rifle, disassembled
  • secret agent briefcase with fifty gold sovereigns, a hidden knife, a booby trap and an AR-1 25 caliber, single shot sniper rifle.
Periscope, Kerim Bey & James Bond
  • periscope into the Russian Embassy in Istanbul

Gypsy Camp Scene - From Russia with Love - James Bond Source Music
Fictional Music
  • gypsy girls, gypsy girl dancing, gypsy girls fighting. Did I mention there are gypsy girls? Oh, that's right I did.
1960 Ford Ranch Wagon
  • Ford Ranch Wagon. Seeing this car really struck a chord with me. My inner ten year old really likes the 1960 Ford Galaxy and the 1961 Thunderbird.
My approximation of Bond's escape route from Istanbul to Venice

Simplon Orient Express

Islands off the coast of Istria near Futana
Possible location of boat chase
  • The flight across the northern end of the Adriatic Sea from Istria to Venice in a power boat with 200 gallons of fuel in 50 gallon drums held in a rack on the back.

Webley Flare Pistol
  • The destruction of the incompetent bad guys by dumping the gasoline in the water and setting it afire with the Very flare gun.
Rosa Klebb's shoe dagger
  • Klebb uses her pointy shoe to fight with Bond.
P. S. The scenes of Bond and the girl in Venice were shot on a green screen. It's pretty obvious they weren't actually in Venice. Someday I need to find out how they did that.

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Joseph Moore said...

When I was single-digits years old, the family had a baby blue Ford station wagon very much like the one you picture. Fond memories of loading up 8 or 10 kids and heading for the beach, with the Beach Boys, Beatles, Mamma and Papas blasting on the AM radio....

We later got a used Galexie - ugly car, but it's what most of the teenagers in the family drove. Also had a killer red Falcon that my dumb older brother drove after the oil light went on - destroyed the engine, needless to say. That was a cool car.

xoxoxoBruce said...

The '60 Ford was so pretty it was used in drive in movie snack bar commercials for years...
Lets all go to the snack bar
Lets all go to the snack bar
Lets all go to the snack bar
and get ourselves a treat.