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Friday, December 1, 2023

Viking Wolf

Viking Wolf | Official trailer | Netflix
Netflix Nordic

Gory little horror film that's not very horrific. We have a woman cop, recently transplanted from Oslo or Sweden, along with her two daughters. The younger daughter, Jenny, is elementary school age. The other, Thale, is a teenager. She is out in the boonies, hanging out with her friends when another girl is attacked and drug off into the woods. A search for the missing girl eventually turns up her mutilated body. A big city veterinarian examines the body and concludes that the girl was attacked by an extraordinarily large wolf.

A grisly, old, one-armed dude shows up and tells our lady cop that it's not an ordinary wolf, but a werewolf, a werewolf that he has been tracking for years. He gives her a box of silver bullets that he has put together using the reloading equipment he has set up in his aging RV. She thinks, as any normal, right thinking person would, that he's nuts. A hunting party is organized to track down and kill this wolf. The wolf makes mincemeat of the hunting party, but the lady cop manages to empty the magazine of her 9 mm H&K sidearm into the beast, killing it. 

Our nerdy vet (It's amazing what you can do with a little costuming and acting. He is super nerdy.) examines the corpse and determines that none of the lead bullets our lady cop fired did any real damage to the beast, but the silver bullet (aha!), that one killed it.

Meanwhile Thale has been nursing a scratch on her shoulder that she got when the first girl was attacked. Looks like she has been infected by the werewolf disease. Uh oh, this looks bad. Bad is putting it mildly. She raises hell in town until she is put down with the vet's tranquilizer gun. Last we see of her she is unconscious and tied down on the operating table. Mom has a silver bullet, but doesn't use it thereby leaving an opening for a sequel.

Heddal Stave Church

The best part of the show was a shot of an old church:

Heddal Stave Church

It only appears on the screen for a second and it doesn't play any part in the proceedings other than to sit there and look ominous. The church is in Notodden, Norway, which is where the film was shot. It was built in 1200 and is one of the largest Stave Churches in Norway.

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