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Sunday, December 24, 2023


Keurig Coffee Machine

I have taken to making my morning coffee with a Keurig machine. One of our kids found it when they moved into an apartment some years ago. They didn't want it because the K-cups you need to feed this machine were expensive - like a dollar a piece. That's cheaper than Starbucks, but more than McDonalds. To my mind McDonalds is the gold standard. Fresh, hot coffee, for a buck. So it sat in our basement, unused and unloved.

I've been drinking Taster's Choice instant coffee for years. It may not be as good as fresh brewed coffee, but it is noticeably better than regular instant, but it's not always available. Sometimes you go to the store and they just don't have any. The last time my wife bought some regular instant and after years of drinking the high-tone stuff, the regular stuff just doesn't cut it.

Then I discovered you can buy K-cups from Amazon for like 50 cents a piece. Given the declining value of the dollar, that's practically free. At Costco last week they had big jars of Taster's Choice for $11. One jar can make 210 cups of coffee, which makes each cup cost a nickel. So the K-cups cost ten times as much, but it is noticeably better.

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