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Monday, February 1, 2021


Warner Bros. Pictures

We have a contender for the title of 'ultimate action hero'. James Bond has been that guy the last zillion years but now we've got the protagonist. Seriously, that's what they call him in the movie. The movie has everything you expect from a James-Bond-level movie: exotic locations, the beautiful femme fatale, super high-tech machines and gizmos, close ups on large scale, modern industrial settings in action, and let's not forget the crazy evil villain and his cadre of henchmen.

There's maybe a little more philosophising than is really necessary, but there's plenty of action so it's fun to watch. But don't try and figure out what's going on. It's just going to make your head hurt.

So there's this theory that while most of the universe is moving forward through time, it might be possible for particles to exist that move backwards in time. Possibly no more than someone working through a set of equations and arriving at a statement that time is equal to the square root of a number. Now everyone knows that time moves forward, so we only use the positive result. But what if the negative result was also real? Then would time be running backwards? So take that to a mad scientist with unlimited funds and he turns it into an industrial process. Put anything into one of these circular room-sized chambers and when they come out time is running backwards for them.

So now we have a bunch of fights going on between guys who are running forward in time and those who are running backwards in time. Two guys see each other and they want to catch each other. Our time forward guy runs toward the backward's time guy. The backward's guy appears to forward guy as if he is running backwards. Turn it around and the same thing will happen to the backward's guy: he will see forward's guy running backwards. Will they ever connect? If the catch happens in the forward guy's future, then it has already happened in the backward guy's past, so we won't see him in the chase. i.e. if we see them faced off, running, they haven't and they won't catch each other. That's all I'm going to say about that.

We get see lot's action with cars, bullets and explosives being done in reverse motion. That and the whole James Bond vibe makes it worth the price of admission.

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