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Friday, July 28, 2023

A Big Raise for Congressmen?

My theory is that the entire Federal Congress and the administration are totally corrupt. They are passing these enormous spending bills solely for the purpose of getting kickbacks from the benefactors of this spending. And who can blame them? They are in charge of one of the biggest economies in the world and they are getting salaries comparable to what any mid-level manager in the private sector is getting. Congressmen should be getting salaries like $10 million a year, something comparable to what CEO's of large corporations make. If we combined that with a serious anti-corruption campaign, things might improve.After all, these days Congressmen have to spend government money to get a kickback, but if they get the kickback up front (whether they spend government money or not) it might lead to some better decisions for the country.

Update July 30, revised the last couple of sentences to make them clear.


xoxoxoBruce said...

The difference between CEOs and Congress Critters is the amount the CEOs can brag about vs Critters under the table perks and campaign contributions. Seems the Supremes go to the highest bidder also.
However, quite often I hear badmouthing of the Federal Government and that’s not right. There are tons of people working every day, doing the best they can to keep Americans safe, healthy, and shielded from snake oil salesmen and the modern equivalent of the Railroad Barons/PT Barnums.
Sure, they aren't always successful, usually because of some elected politician, but I’m much more afraid of local cops than any Fed.

I hear a lot of folks saying the whole congress should be thrown out on their (r)ear, but come election time these same folks vote for the party without knowing anything about the candidates... if they vote at all.

Anonymous said...

No, they should be paid $50k per year, and they should hanged if they take any sort of bribe from anyone. The penalty should be applied to all of their friends and relatives as well.

Chuck Pergiel said...

Anon - isn't that the current situation? How well is that working?