Went in for surgery Friday afternoon to correct the misaligned hip joint. Is misaligned the right word? Seems appropriate. Didn't go to the Operating Room till around 4PM. Last time I was here they sedated me as well as given me a spinal block. I remember a whole lot more about the pre-op and post-op this time. For instance, I remember scooting off of the gurney and onto the operating table, and then sitting there while they started sticking a needle in my back. That was it until I woke up in post-op.
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Saturday I was pretty much in limbo, just kind of lying there, dozing now and again. Since I only spent one night here the first time I expected the same this time. All was fine until we get to the occupational therapy (last step before discharge) and we notice the incision is bleeding, not gushing, but more than a couple of spots. They apply pressure with a big fat elastic bandage but that doesn't quite do the trick, so they hooked me up with a portable vacuum pump to suck the excess blood away and call it good.
Well, good enough. Here it is two days later and there is no sign of blood in the tubing, but this electronic leech is supposed to stay attached to my hip for a week. I would have been better off spending another night in the hospital.
Instead of plugging the leaks they sell you a $4,000 dollar maid to clean up?
Drink plenty of fluids... wait, make that plenty of water, not wine, beer, coffee, whisky or Camp Lejune liquid.
I sure hope you’re on the road to recovery and not doing anything to cause more pain and suffering, even if it gets you out of doing your share of the remodeling.
On the upside, we now know why the send a fire truck with the ambulance.
Oh, condolences to the Mrs also.
I assume if you had died someone would have posted it, so I'll say hang in there because you'll be better, better just as soon as you're able.
I won't bore you with the trite "thoughts and prayers" routine.
that incision management kit--crazy shit! Bruce (the commenter above) said it well in his first sentence
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