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Saturday, August 13, 2022

42 Days of Darkness - Netflix Mini-Series


42 Days of Darkness is a six-part series from Chile. It is partially based on the  disappearance in 2010 of Viviana Haeger from her home in Puerto Varas.

It's kind of an odd situation. The woman lives in a well-to-do suburb. Nobody saw anything, nothing is missing and there is no demand for ransom. The husband seems to be a bit of an odd duck which makes him look very suspicious, but not everyone reacts to stress the same way. Is he really guilty, or are they just trying to make him look that way? Local attorney Víctor Pizarro (played by Pablo Macaya) is trying to claw his way back to respectability. He and his cohorts conduct their own investigation and are the most entertaining part of the show. The family members are pretty miserable as you would expect them to be, but misery is not very entertaining.

Puerto Varas, Chile

Puerto Varas is in southern Chile, about 600 miles south of Santiago. In the show it seems to be raining all the time. That's not too surprising since Puerto Varas is at 41 degrees south latitude, which is almost a mirror image of the 45 degrees north latitude of Portland Oregon where it does rain for at least six months of the year.

Puerto Varas, Lago Llanquihue & Osorno Volcano

It is on the shore of Lago Llanquihue and a short distance from the Osorno Volcano. Mount Shasta in California is another big, fat volcano that happens to be located right around 41 degrees north latitude.

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