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Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Columbia and Cocaine

ZeroHedge has the story:

Colombia, the world's largest producer of cocaine, and the origin of more than 90% seized in the United States - is considering decriminalizing the drug in an experiment to end Washington DC's never-ending "war on drugs," according to the Washington Post.

After just two weeks in office, the country's first leftist government has proposed an end to "prohibition" - in what would become the first government-regulated market for cocaine. Officials would work with other leftist governments in the region via legislation and alliances in order to "turn their country into a laboratory for drug decriminalization."

"It is time for a new international convention that accepts that the war on drugs has failed," said President Gustavo Petro in his inaugural address this month.

The move would likely upend the country's long-standing (and profitable) counternarcotics relationship with the US - whose officials, both past and present, are sounding the alarm.

How dare Gustavo break ranks with the glorious American hegemony! If Gustavo makes any progress on this I expect we will see a CIA backed coup in short order. Remember that the people making the most money off of the drug trade are the American drug cartel leaders, those gray men who are never mentioned. They are not going to sit still while some South American upstart tries to the shake the foundation of their empire.

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