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Thursday, January 19, 2023


Stuff keeps rattling around in my brain, and I keep intending to put together a coherent post on these scattered thoughts, but there is scarcity of round toits, so we have this instead. Whatever it is.

This country is run by a mafia, a family of gangsters. If you are in, you are moderately secure. If you are not, you are on your own. The mafia does not care about you, you are a mark or a sucker, just someone to be squeezed until you are nothing but a husk and then you will be discarded.

Politics is just a show to put on to keep the masses entertained. It doesn't matter which party has the upper hand, they are just factions of the mafia. They are only concerned with their loyal party members, i.e. those who funneling buckets of cash into their pockets and campaign chests. What they say to the public has no bearing on what they are actually doing, it is just part of the show.

Which ever faction produces the better propaganda stream is the one that will win the election. What ever comes out of their mouths is just baloney designed to win the next election.

Only a small percentage of the population pays any attention to politics, and only a small fraction of those actually pay any attention of what is going on. Say 3% for the first group and 1% of that for the second group. 1% of 3% of 240 million eligible voters still comes to 70 thousand people which is still more than enough to overflow Twitter.

Kamala Harris, Jill Biden, Elizabeth Warren and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

People love to complain about politicians. A lot of it is partisan sniping which is to be expected. But if the target of sniper's ire are so bad, why haven't they been voted out? Once again, we come back to who runs the most effective campaign, and it isn't the one who lays out the facts and explains how corrupt the other guy is. This has been bothering me for a while, and I finally got a clue when I saw a clip of Nancy Pelosi baking a coffee cake. Most people don't have any concept of how big a trillion dollars is or where Ukraine is, but they know what a coffee cake is. If she bakes coffee cakes, she must be a nice lady, I'm gonna vote for her. Good lord and savior on a crutch.

Dan Smoot: Republic vs Democracy 04/18/66
Fred Bauer

The first minute of the video gives a summary. I came across it on Twitter. I posted the whole thing here even though I haven't watched it all. The summary is good enough for me. I should watch the rest of it and maybe I will do that later.

The date on this video is only a couple of years after JFK was shot. Now I was always partial to the theory that the shooter was working for the New Orleans mob, but that was back before I realized just how rotten things were in Washington D.C. Now I think this tasteless picture makes more sense.

JFK Change My Mind

People in politics behave like children. They are unprincipled, petty, gossipy, tattletales. Their ability to use their techniques to influence people is what got them to the top of the heap. They may have other abilities, but they are basically useless shitheads. No person with any moral character will have anything to do with them.

Jaime R. Harrison, chairman of the Democratic National Committee

The one problem I have is who is in charge? The mob has a godfather, but who is in charge of the USA? Biden doesn't seem like he is up the challenge, but maybe you don't need to the sharpest tack in the room, maybe you just need loyal supporters. Political clout is what you need. Don Corleone and Stalin were both in charge up until they died. But what if Biden is just the front man, and there is somebody else behind the scenes, pulling the strings? Could it be Jaime R. Harrison?

Now I am wondering if we will be able to stop this slide toward the abyss. It might be possible if we could form a new political party from principled people who could be trusted not to be corrupted. I imagine it would not be hard to get it started, but to grow big enough to be able to stop and reverse the wave of corruption sweeping this country, well, that's another question.

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