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Thursday, January 11, 2024

Sweet Emotion

Aerosmith - Sweet Emotion

I like to think I am a logical thinker, coolly examining the facts and rendering impartial judgments, but that's not really the case, is it? Oh, I am good at small stuff, like examining computer code and moderately difficult mathematical equations, but the big stuff? Ha! As if. It's only through the stabilizing effect of my wife that I haven't gone haring off on some disastrous course of action.

Maybe that's what intelligence buys us, it enables us to keep our emotions in check, which might explain why people lacking in smarts so often end up in trouble. It's why we have so many rules and regulations and spend so much time and effort educating people as to what those rules and regulations are. Follow the rules and things will go smoothly. It might feel like you are wading through molasses, but any alligators in the swamp of your life are similarly impeded by the thicket of rules and regulations.

I sometimes hear about people who have been smothered under a tsunami of molasses, so to speak, and there are whole encyclopedias full of stupid and useless rules and regulations, but most of the rules that we use every day work for our benefit. 

I remember attending a HOA (Home Owners Association) meeting and the board was discussing making the swimming pool ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act). The folks on the board didn't need to have any knowledge of the Act, or of how swimming pools were constructed, or what they were going to have to do to bring the pool into compliance. The rules were there and the city has rules on swimming pool construction, so the only thing they had to decide was whether or not to spend the money.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think the mistakes I make aren't bad from judgement but from not knowing all the facts.
I don't believe I'm alone in that because it's almost impossible to know everything, especially now with so much disinformation flowing.