I asked her how much material she had ground off during all this and she tells me "microns". A micro is one millionth of a meter. When I worked as a machinist, measuring to the nearest thousandth of an inch was pretty standard. A sheet of copy paper is a couple of thousandths of an inch thick.
So she puts the tooth in and I bite down and it's blatantly obvious that the tooth is not meshing right with the opposite teeth. And it's just microns of material that are causing that? You would think that teeth would have a little more give in them, I mean they aren't mounted solidly to the bone. But I guess not. Of course, if you want to be able to cut something (like meat), you can't leave any space between the two cutting surfaces, i.e. your opposing teeth. Interesting.
But all this is just so I have an excuse to post this:
ZZ Top I'm Bad, I'm Nationwide
I used to really like ZZ Top. I don't listen to them much anymore. I've got all their tunes engraved in my brain. Maybe that's what's wrong with me.
Update January 2017 replaced missing pictures and video, though the video isn't the one I remember. Then again, maybe it's not the video I am remembering, but the image this song paints in my mind.
It's amazing what a couple of microns will do for your bite, isn't it? If it's off, it can make your whole mouth hurt. Glad it's fitting fine, looks good. ;-)
You are too kind. If it was up front where everyone could see it, that would be one thing, but back where it is, well, my wife is happy that it isn't obvious.
Yep, those microns do make a lot of difference. Your new crown is looking fine. Heh, a gold crown... like a king's. That's pretty clever, ha ha!
Anyway, I'm glad that your visit to the dentist was a success.
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