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Saturday, March 13, 2010

Quote of the Day

"We have the comprehensive and adaptive learning systems to assist in preparing students with what they need to know to pass high stakes tests and to become compassionate skilled nurses."
From the home page of the Assessment Technologies Institute website. Snigs is facing an ATI test this week and she's not too happy about it. After reading that sentence I can understand why:
  • "comprehensive and adaptive"
  • "high stakes tests"
  • "compassionate skilled"
Sounds like a veritable meat grinder.

And if you want to pick nits, look at all the "to's":
  • "to assist"
  • "to know"
  • "to pass"
  • "to become"
Geez, you know you are dealing with a bureaucracy when your sentence structure is that twisted.


Snigglefrits said...

Hehehe. Love it, Charles!

The thing that makes me absolutely HATE ATI is that the info they test on isn't consistent with the info we learn (I would say are taught, but that would imply that we're not self-taught).

Our class books will say do X, Y, Z in that order. ATI will expect an answer of Y, X, Z with a side of B as a correct answer.

Supposedly it's preparing us for the NCLEX- the national licensing exam. Harhumph. I've taken several practice exams and do fantastically. ATI, not so much.

Oh well, gotta do what ya gotta do I reckon.

Snigglefrits said...

Just wanted to let you know- I owned the ATI today. 99th percentile nationally!

Thanks for the good thoughts!