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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Shooting At Midnight

Shooting At Midnight by Greg Rucka. I picked this one up at Post Hip for $2 on Monday and I just finished. All in all a pleasant read. It's New York murder mystery, one of a series about Atticus Kodiak. I thought I recognized the author's name when I picked it up, and sure enough when I got home I found I had another book by him.

It was a complicated story, made more complicated by the heroine's desire to keep her past secret, and also to conceal some illegal activity, the later of which was done for a good cause, naturally.

Different parts of the books are narrated by different people and I wish the author had been able to differentiate his style enough to make them sound and/or feel different. As it was, they both sounded the same, though the text was explicit enough that there was never any doubt about who was doing the talking.

This is the second book I have read recently about heroin addiction, and both books print a pretty horrific picture. The other book was The Mask of Dimitrios, aka A Coffin For Dimitrios. I wish I had a good picture of how many people are using how much of what kinds of drugs. I have done some looking, but I haven't found a good overall picture. On one hand you think that there can't be that many heroin addicts, but then you hear some of the numbers and you think half of NYC must be addicted.

Just for grins, I plotted some of the locations mentioned in the book on a Google Map.

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