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Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Not Everyone Is An Idiot

The Bibliophiles - Tito Lessi 1904

A couple of bright spots in the ongoing storm of stupidity.

Sweden Moves To Protect Academic Freedom After Professor Quits Covid Research Due To Harassment via ZeroHedge

Then there was a story from last July about how Red Bull, the energy drink company, caught some flack about some diversity training. They fired the people in charge of that and that apparently put an end to it. I would have thought that the firings would have ignited a shit storm of protest from the twidiots, but a bit of Googling turned up nothing since. So, yeah Red Bull! Via TheQuartering on YouTube. I didn't watch the whole video, he's too long winded for me.

Lastly we have Every Black Life Matters, which, despite its name is a right-wing organization totally opposed to BLM (Black Lives Matter). And yes, it appears to be mostly by and for blacks.

Bonus abbreviation for the day: exh. stands for exhibited when used in reference to old art works.

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