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Sunday, September 3, 2023

A Brief History Of The Man Who Brainwashed America: Edward Bernays

I would really like to see the Biden administration and the majority of Congress accused, tried, convicted and locked up in jail for their crimes of corruption. But you know what? I don't think any of that is likely to happen. I am afraid that the incompetent Democrat mafia has a lock on all the levers of power and our slide toward the abyss is just going to continue - it will continue to get better for those on the inside and continue to get worse for those on the outside. I don't know if Trump could change our trajectory, but given that most of the Republicans seem to be members of the Democrat mafia, I doubt it. 

There are two ways to make money. One way, the Republican way, is to build an organization that produces useful stuff, stuff that people can use to improve their lives. The other way, the Democrat mafia way and the technique preferred by third world dictators the world over, is to simply squeeze the peons until they bleed and then squeeze them some more.

If our slide toward the abyss ever results in the total collapse of society that would be very bad, but I suspect it will never happen. We will just become more and more like Latin America where we have an elite layer floating on top of a mass of peasants.

If you, me, or anyone, ever hopes to break the Democrat mafia's lock on power, we will need to fire up our own propaganda machine. So far all we've got is a few fringe websites and they only reach people with the energy and brain power to go poking around in the ether. TV is still the dominant force. That may change in another generation or two, but given the proliferation of stupidity, maybe not.

Trump might be an asshole, but he's the one leading the charge. Will he be able to break the Democrat mafia's stranglehold on America? Not if the Republicans keep squabbling amongst themselves, and given that half of them are actually Democrats, that's not going to stop until the party is purged of these Rhinos*.

* Rhinos - Republicans in name only.

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